FLCA Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for the Farlain Lake Community Association is generally held at the end of July or beginning of August annually.  August 1 is the beginning of the new membership year and the meeting is an opportunity for joining the FLCA or renewing membership for the coming year.

The meeting is an opportunity to get an update on the year’s activities, issues affecting the community such as septage, invasive species and other environmental issues, and traffic safety.  It usually includes special educational presentations and displays and most recently a Silent Auction for the purpose of raising funds to help manage the Eurasian Watermilfoil. The Auction provides a wonderful avenue for members to get to know each other and have fun!

We often have special guests join us such as members of Tiny Township Council and representatives of the Severn Sound Environmental Association.

FLCA members can access minutes and presentations from past annual meetings by logging in using the generic security information provided at the time of joining and revised annually.


SAVE THE DATE!  The 17th FLCA AGM will be held on Wednesday August 21, 2024 via Zoom.  Details and registration will be posted closer to the date.

2023 Annual General Meeting

Our 16th Annual General Meeting was held via zoom on Wednesday August 16, 2023.  The recording of the meeting is available on You Tube by clicking on FLCA 2023 Annual General Meeting.  In addition, the following documents can be downloaded as PDF files:

FLCA Board of Directors

One of the important components of the upcoming Annual General Meeting is the election of the Board of Directors. The FLCA’s success over the years is due to the efforts of all our dedicated volunteers, and particularly to those you as the members have entrusted to provide leadership and work with the members of the community as we deal with the many important issues challenging our community. As a totally volunteer driven organization, our Board is very much a “hands-on” Board.

We continue to deal with many issues that threaten our beautiful lake: the continued spread of the Eurasian Watermilfoil, Blue-Green Algae, the changing water level, boating safety issues, a growing and changing community, short term rentals, and the list goes on! Since the FLCA’s inception in 2008, we have been fortunate to have strong members on the Board who have served multiple terms, contributing their time, energy, knowledge and passion for the lake in order to address issues, protect our lake and support the community around it. Our membership is growing, we have built solid relationships with the Township, the SSEA, FOCA, FoTTSA and other lake associations.

Members of the Board can be contacted through the FLCA general email at inquiries@farlainlake.ca.

FLCA Board of Directors for 2023-2024