New Strategy in Our Battle with the EWM!

Our FLCA EWM team continued its efforts to manage the Eurasian Watermilfoil throughout the spring and summer last year, and we were all thrilled with what appears to be a successful application of the new herbicide, ProcellaCOR FX in September. Treatment was implemented on September 6. Approximately 4 weeks later, the EWM team and Dr. Heilman (of SePRO, the product developer) reviewed the treated sites, checking the status of both the invasive plants as well as the surrounding native plants. Many photos and videos were taken during the treatment. The findings more than met expectations – the EWM was dying and the native plants appeared untouched and healthy.

Since then a very comprehensive report has been completed thanks in particular to Peter Andrews with input from our EWM team and Dr. Heilman. More details can be found on this web site under Our Lake/Eurasian Watermilfoil. The full report can be downloaded from that page. Farlain Lake is the first inland lake in Canada to be treated with the newly registered ProcellaCOR FX by a licensed applicator certified by SePRO for ProcellaCOR FX. SePRO has produced a video reflecting our project as part of its Lakes and Ponds Heroes program.  You can view the video using the link to the SePRO web site on its Lakes and Ponds Heroes page.

The work doesn’t stop there. We have already submitted our 2024 plan to DFO and MECP based on the 2023 project and results seen in the fall. Once ice is out and we can get our boat launched, another thorough underwater review will be completed in the spring and the treatment plan finalized based on the results. That plan can be downloaded from the web site under the page noted above for your information and we will provide updates on an ongoing basis.

The FLCA is happy to share information about our experience with the battle against this very invasive aquatic plant. Contact us through our general email box at and we will respond as quickly as possible.